New School Attendance Catchment Area MAP for the city's north side schools
- There is a Transition Plan (link below) in place and it is important that families have the correct attendance and transportation information for their children. Please contact your school principal or email us if you have questions.
Attendance Catchment Area MAP for the city's south side (Fairview School)
- Please note that the Fairview School attendance area has not changed, and still includees all urban residences located South of the railway tracks.
Presentation slides (PDF) from January 27 Public Meeting
Swift Current Schools Transition Plan (PDF) *this detailed document will be updated ongoing
- Letters will be sent home on January 28/29 to families with school/transportation information and attendance intention forms for 2014-2015.
PUBLIC MEETING: January 27, 2014 @ 7:00pm Irwin School Gymnasium
Parents, staff and community members are invited to attend a public meeting hosted by the Board of the Chinook School Division. A detailed transition plan will be presented for all elementary and middle years schools in the city, including Ashley Park, Irwin, Central, Centennial, Oman and Fairview. Information will be shared pertaining to transitions for students, staff, facilities and transportation.