ATTENTION: Parents/Guardians
For rural students, your bus driver will contact you directly with drop off and pick up times by August 27.
For K-8 students that live in Swift Current, you can access your child’s bussing information on e-Link. The e-Link log-in information you received in June is also located in the Latest News section of your school's website.
If you require bussing or need to make changes to your transportation please submit a transportation request form, or email
transportation@chinooksd.ca or call 306-778-9200 ext. 3281 by Monday, AUGUST 26.
You must make contact with the Chinook Transportation Department by AUGUST 26 in order for student transportation to be in place on the first day of school (September 3). In an effort to minimize service disruptions during the first few days of school, any changes or new requests submitted after August 26 will be implemented on September 9.