Part 1: Introducing the Chinook Grad Plan...

All high school students in Saskatchewan have a Graduation Plan Portfolio that is intended to assist them in exploring their interests, skills, values and personal skills while considering the many career pathways open to them within Saskatchewan, Canada, and beyond.
- We want to ensure that all students are prepared to learn, belong and are valued, and are successful as they prepare for their future.
- The Grad Plan will be developed in Grade 9 and will evolve through high school to Grade 12.
- It will guide students in making informed decisions that impact their present and future lives.
- This is a tool that will assist students in transitioning smoothly through high school and beyond -- to a future that is personally fulfilling and rewarding.
Part 2: What does the Grad Plan include?
- A Dynamic Career Portfolio that students develop, review and refine through high school and beyond
- Interactive online education and career planning tool
- High School Course Plan – to keep the student on track to graduate, ensuring prerequisites and required courses
- Students complete lessons and activities to build their portfolio
- Students can continue to use it after high school
- Under Resource Links on your high school's website

Grad Plan Student Led Conference (SLC):
In the Spring of Grades 9, 10 and 11 (optional for Grade 12), students share and discuss their Grad Plan with parents/guardians or another identified supportive adult, facilitated by their teacher.
Part 3: The Grad Plan Infographic

The infographic demonstrates what a graduation plan is at a glance, how students will build it and how they will share it throughout high school. You can see what is included at each grade level. Click on the image to open a PDF.
Grade 9: Know Yourself
Grade 10: Discover Career Paths
Grade 11: Education and Training
Grade 12: Making It Happen
Part 4: Student Engagement in the Grad Plan

Students have a dream for the future and they will be inspired to work towards their dream. With the Grad Plan, students will:
• Discover areas of interest for occupations.
• Connecting courses to career aspirations.
• Know career pathways and post-secondary opportunities.
• Identify goals for school and beyond.
• Develop personal career documentation.
Part 5: Grad Plan Student Led Conference (SLC)

All students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 (optional for Grade 12) will be involved in a Grad Plan SLC in the Spring.
- Students access their portfolio and share it with parents.
- Tools used include the Infographic, Grad Plan checklist, speaking notes and the SLC guide.
- Teachers facilitate, answer questions and direct parents to supports if necessary.