Chinook School Division is featuring profiles on our Board members throughout the 2018-2019 school year. We gave them a series of questions to answer so our families and communities can get to know them a little better...
This month's profile is DIANNE HAHN
Dianne Hahn is a Trustee for Subdivision 8 which includes all Swift Current schools: Fairview, Central, Irwin, École Centennial, CAMPS, Maverick and SCCHS. Dianne has been a Trustee with Chinook for two years.
1. Why did you become a trustee?
I have a love for children and I wanted to contribute to their education experience and their future. I also became a trustee because I wanted to give back to the school division that has given so much to me and our son. Both myself and our son have gone through the education system here and received a quality education. I want to preserve as well as improve the quality of education within Chinook School Division while contributing to our future.
2. What do you feel you bring to the Board table?
I feel I bring an open mind, the ability to listen and to collaborate as well as sound judgment. I also have a sincere interest in public education in southwest Saskatchewan, including Swift Current. I have many years of municipal administration experience which I believe is an asset in several different areas.
3. What kinds of things does a board of education do?
Board members work together to accomplish the Board’s goals. The Board establishes a vision for the School Division, hires the Director of Education, sets the yearly budget in consultation with Administration, and makes decisions on policies. We also advocate for the needs and best interests of our students.
4. What is your most memorable school event or activity you have been a part of?
It is difficult to pick just one but it would be Maverick High School Graduation. It is so moving to hear the challenges that some of these students have faced and overcome in order to graduate. The smiles on their faces during the graduation ceremony says it all. It is truly a privilege to be a part of the celebration with them.
5. What do you feel is one of the most important issues facing the Education sector today?
I believe the most important issue facing the Education sector today is an equitable and sustainable education system, particularly in smaller centres such as Swift Current and southwest Saskatchewan.
6. What is your most heart-warming and/or funniest moment in your time as a trustee?
Again, it is difficult to pick just one. For this question I need to speak on an overall basis. For me the most heart-warming moments have been the different opportunities I have had to meet some of the students within our School Division and learn about some of their experiences and opportunities they have had in education. I love hearing the students talk about their experiences in education or perform.
7. What do you want people to know about being a trustee?
It’s great! I have learned SO much over the last two years and am looking forward to learning more and continuing to contribute going forward. There is a huge time commitment to being a trustee but it is so rewarding.
8. What are you looking forward to in regards to the future of the Education sector?
I am hopeful for changes in the Provincial Sector Strategic Plan for 2020 and beyond that. I had the privilege of participating in the recent Education Summit held and hosted by the Ministry of Education and I am looking forward to hearing what priorities and goals the Province determines. Some changes in education are needed in order to not only have an equitable and sustainable education system but also an excellent education system.