Monday, December 11, 2017
Swift Current, SK — At a press conference this morning, Chinook Director of Education Liam Choo-Foo announced that after 31 years as an educator he will be retiring at the end of this school year. During his career, Choo-Foo has lived in six communities across southern Saskatchewan with his last stop and past 15 years in Swift Current. As Director of Education, Liam has led many successful initiatives in the Southwest, including Balanced Literacy, Math Momentum, creation of the Chinook School Division, and city-wide facility upgrades in Swift Current.
In closing his announcement today, Choo-Foo stated, “A career can be measured in many ways. In my case it is complete due to the strength of the relationships built with outstanding people and teams that were able to accomplish a number of great achievements, including the Premier’s Award, in the best interests of our students. It sure will be strange not going to “school” in the fall for the first time in 48 years!”
The Chinook Board considers Choo-Foo to be a strong educational leader in the province and that has been important to the division. In his words of recognition on behalf of the Board, Chair Shane Andrus said “Liam is notably the longest serving founding director of the amalgamated school divisions in Saskatchewan. This long service that he has given Chinook, and his contributions to the education of children over his years as a professional, is to be commended. The education community and stakeholders have all benefitted from his long term, solid leadership through some changing and challenging times, and we do not take that for granted… thank you Liam, for your commitment and exceptional service to Chinook.”
The Board has a plan moving forward and will share information on that transition in the near future.