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Student Created Policies

Student Created Policies

Class Meetings

Class meetings are held on Friday mornings. It is mandatory that all students attend as this is the forum at which school policies are revised and created.  At class meetings students are encouraged to share thoughts in a supportive environment around many different topics. Students learn that you can respectfully disagree with an idea and still retain friendships with individuals. 

Attendance Policy

Students, parents or guardians, must call before 9:15 or 1:00 to inform the school of a late or absence. Calls prior to bell times will result in excused lates and absences while calls after 9:15 or 1:00 will result in unexcused lates and absences.  Students arriving after 10:45 will be considered absent.  Leaving the school during instructional time (without prior approval) will also be considered an absence.

ā€¢ The school year is divided into four quarters
ā€¢ Two unexcused absences in one quarter will result in the student choosing connection
ā€¢ Three unexcused lates in one quarter is the equivalent to one absence and can result in connection (see below)

If a student is going connected for lates, they have the option of working off the late by doing an early bird, lunch bird or late bird period and 25 marks.  This must be completed within two school days. If the student has another late before working off the previous late they automatically go connected.

Students may also work off an absence by completing 3 ā€œbirdsā€ or outside of regular hours work periods. During the extra work periods, students must complete a minimum total of 90 marks. Students may complete a fourth ā€œbirdā€ if needed to fulfill the 90 mark requirement. A student has one week to work off an unexcused absence. 

Attendance Expectations

Students at Maverick School are required to attend every day that school is in operation unless prevented to do so by reason of sickness, or unless pre-arrangements are made with the student's teacher. Successful completion of coursework is dependent upon regular attendance. The attendance policy will always apply unless it is in direct conflict with the safety policy.

Marks Policy 

The marks policy was created as a means to encourage student completion of course material. Students are responsible to engage in academic work completion or responsible participation in other school activities to accumulate ā€œmarksā€. The marks policy reflects the minimum amount of work/participation to retain a seat in the school. Students are encouraged to achieve their highest possible work completion rate. At minimum students must obtain 900 marks over a two week (10 school days) period. Every second Friday is designated as Freak Out Friday, the time when the marks total is evaluated to ensure that the minimum requirement has been achieved. Students choosing not to complete the minimum requirement are choosing connection. 

Smoking Policy 

Maverick High School is a smoke free environment.  Smoking is not permitted in the building at any time.  Smoking is permissible at the southeast corner of the building prior to the morning bell, during breaks, noon hour, and after class at the end of the day. By special permission a staff member can allow a student an extra ten minute break outside the school.  If the student does not have special permission to leave the building they will be taking an unexcused absence.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Maverick School's Substance Abuse Policy regarding student use of alcohol, drugs, or other prohibited substances is intended to provide:

a) An environment free from alcohol and other drugs

b) Support programs that will help students to gain knowledge and develop the skills needed to make healthy lifestyle choices

c) Understanding and support for those students and their parents who choose to deal with the problems of substance abuse

A student who attends school or any school activity while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is subject to a four step policy which must be followed to maintain enrollment. The policy is in effect for the duration of a studentā€™s enrollment at Maverick. 

In determining whether or not a student is under the influence, students have agreed that if two out of three staff members believe a student to be under the influence then the drug and alcohol policy will be put into effect. 

1st time - The studentā€™s parents are called and required to pick the student up from school.  The day is recorded as an unexcused absence
2nd time - The student will be required to meet with a drug and alcohol counselor to do a drug use assessment test.  The studentā€™s parents are called and required to pick the student up from school.  The day is an unexcused absence.

3rd time - The student will be required to seek and follow through with a treatment program as recommended by a drug and alcohol counselor.  The studentā€™s parents are called and required to pick the student up from school.  The day is an unexcused absence.
4th time ā€“ The student will be required to seek and follow through with a treatment program as recommended by a drug and alcohol counselor. The student must show evidence of successful treatment by submitting to a drug and alcohol test.  The studentā€™s parents are called and required to pick the student up from school. The day is an unexcused absence. 

In addition to the above, students should be aware that the principal or acting principal may request to check a student's coat pockets, backpack or vehicle if the principal or principal designate suspects that the student may be in possession of an illegal substance while at school. Students created this policy to assist in the effort to maintain a safe school environment free from drugs and alcohol.

Internet Policy

Technology is an integral part of everyday education.  Students are encouraged to use the Internet or word processors for their daily assignments.  Internet use is also encouraged on an extra-curricular basis provided the student can display responsible use of this medium. Students are permitted to use the Internet for personal purposes before and after school and during breaks.  Searches may be done to ensure access of appropriate material only. 

Internet Use during Work Periods

Students are to use the internet for assignment completion during work periods. Students found to be on non-academic sites such as Facebook, gaming sites or non-course related U-Tube sites, will receive an unexcused late as relates to the attendance policy. 

Telephone Use

Students may use the phone in the front foyer.  Office phones may be used with permission.  Please limit personal calls to five minutes.  Students are discouraged from making or receiving calls during class time, except in case of emergency.  The fax may be used with permission of any staff member. 

Cell Phone Use

Students may use cell phones at breaks and lunch; however, the phone should be on ā€œsilentā€ during class time.  While students are getting assistance from a teacher they shall respectfully limit their use of the cell phone. Cell phones are not to be used during class meetings on Friday mornings. 

Student Workroom Personalization Policy

Students may personalize their rooms as they desire providing this does not interfere with anyone elseā€™s personal space or conflict with our safety policy.  Rooms may be decorated with appropriate items only.  Students are asked to remove belongings when they go connected, change rooms and at the end of the school year.  Students are encouraged to keep their desks and classrooms organized.  Please do not leave valuable belongings unattended, as the school is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Visiting in Rooms during Work Periods Policy

At the respectful request of any room occupant, a visitor must leave the work room.  If a student wants to move and work in a different room, the decision will be made by a majority vote of that room, as to whether or not the student gains entry.

Music Policy

Students must all agree to the choice of music in rooms and the volume must be such that it cannot be heard outside of the work room.  Music with school inappropriate lyrics may not be played.  If the music in the room is too loud, the room will get one warning.  Upon second warning students will lose their music for the day.  In the computer room and orientation room headphones must be used to maintain a quiet work environment for all.

Theft Policy

Every person at Maverick has the responsibility to say what they know when something goes missing.  Every person has the opportunity to fix the relationship when something goes missing.  Victims have the option to call the police if they wish.  All students will be provided with a locker.  Victims will be encouraged to call a class meeting to voice their feelings.

Kitchen Policy

Students are provided with use of a kitchen where coffee and breakfast supplies are available.  It is the responsibility of students to rinse their own dishes and place them in the dishwasher. It is everyoneā€™s job to maintain a clean kitchen and confront anyone who does not clean up after themselves.  Confronting must be done respectfully.  If the confronted does not comply then he/she must go through a sentencing circle.  In addition, students are scheduled to kitchen clean-up on a rotational basis.

Visitors to the School

At Maverick we wish to create welcoming environment for visitors while still maintaining our students' rights to privacy. All visitors must check in with staff and abide by the following expectations: meet with friends in public areas rather than private student work areas. With permission from the work room members, a Maverick student may visit with a non-Maverick individual in their work room. Visitors will refrain from playing musical instruments and consuming food. Musical equipment and food items are purchased for the use of Maverick students only.

Ā© Maverick School 2014

580 6th Ave SE, Swift Current, SK, S9H 3P6 Part of theLogo