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News Item

Thursday, November 3rd Day 1

November 02, 2016


Grade 6:  Band A and B today/ No band on Friday

Grade 7:  Band A today/ Band B on Friday

Grade 8:  Band A and B today/ No band on Friday




  • Please remember to hand in your Active Play forms to the office if you would like to participate.  There is still a lot of room if you want to register!
  • Our Remembrance Day Service is coming up next week.  Irwin families are invited to send a photo of a loved one who has served or is currently serving in the Canadian Forces for our virtual Honour Wall.  Please send a digital pic by November 8th to Mrs. Thompson (
  • Remembrance Day Poppies can be picked up at the office with a cash donation.
  • Please bring some of your used books from home for the Used Book Exchange on November 21st and 23rd.  Our goal is for each of our 417 students to bring a minimum of three books to exchange.  Please bring your books to the office.
  • Picture retake proofs will go home today.  Orders are due next Wednesday, November 9th.  You can bring your orders to the office.
  •  Would any students who are involved in Cadets please meet in the office following announcements. ​

© O. M. Irwin School 2014

999 George St E, Swift Current, SK, S9H 1Z3 Part of theLogo