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École Centennial School
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News Item

Education Funding Informational Meetings

October 02, 2023

Chinook Funding Info Mtgs 2023 BANNER.pngChinook Funding Info Mtgs 2023.png

The Chinook Board of Education would like to share an invitation to the upcoming Funding Informational Meetings that are being hosted by the board. The purpose of these meetings is to provide an update on the funding challenges within the division and to give staff, families, and community members an understanding of the Board's current financial situation and how it impacts Chinook students. 

Four meetings are scheduled in different locations throughout the division in hopes that many will be able to attend. We look forward to seeing you, and appreciate your advocacy and support!​

What can you do? Education Funding Advocacy

Chinook Funding Informational Meetings 2023 - Poster

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